Monday, October 26, 2009

Insurance: Profitable, but hardly obscene...

Finally today, the news media did their homework on the insurance industry and called the politicians’ bluff. According to health insurers only made 2.4% last year. [I have to say it; I made this point on pages 1&2 of Healthcare Solved.] According to an article in the American Medical News, October 12, 2009 [print], the nonprofit blues insurers averaged only 2.0% profit last year. Fortune magazine ranked the industry as 35th out of 53 in profits. It is clearly not the most profitable industry in America as Senator Harry Reid has claimed. Not exactly "obscene" profit margins - in fact, the insurance industry is quite anemic in comparison to many other industries. It seems the only possible explanations for these glaring discrepancies are that our politicians are grossly negligent in doing their due diligence on the industry or they are lying.

If they are this ignorant about the industry, is it not pure arrogance to think they can “reform” it? Or, do they believe if enough of politicians repeat these outright lies enough times, Americans will fall for anything they propose? Whether clueless and content to stay that way or desperate, either is deplorable; we need real, meaningful reform. Keep informed, participate in the process. If one of those politicians is yours, call them on it. They get away with it when we let them slide. Shame them into being better men and women then they are. We need statesmen serving the best interests of the people. Accept nothing less.

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